Perspectives > Strategic Human Capital Management
D&I in the Power Sector: Empowering in More Ways than One

Perspectives > Strategic Human Capital Management
4 ways of seeing: The role of HR in defining the identity of a company

Perspectives > Change Management & Transformation
Hybrid Work Era – Partner with COD to Navigate Change
Books by COD Authors

International Human Resource Management
A comprehensive guide to labor codes, laws and employment regulations in 18 countries across 4 continents, seamlessly integrated with perspectives on cross-cultural HR strategies and case studies from across the world.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Change and Turbulence at SAIL: A Story of Fluctuating Fortunes
A fascinating and in-depth examination of 15 eventful years in the life of India’s largest steel producer. Part case study, part cautionary tale, this absorbing story has parallels and learnings aplenty.
Author: Dr Madhavi Cherukuri

Winning on HR Analytics: Leveraging Data for Competitive Advantage
Before Big Data and Data Science became buzzwords, this pioneering book explored how the might of technology-driven analytics could be harnessed to identify, measure and achieve improved HR outcomes and maintain competitive advantage.
Author: Dr Kuldeep Singh

Performance Management: Strategies, Interventions, Drivers
Written from the practitioner's perspective, this book explains the theory and practice of performance management using the 7 strategies of workplace motivation: Rewards, Career, Team, Culture, Measurement, Competency and Leadership.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Human Resource Management in Practice with 300 Models, Techniques and Tools
With a unique blend of time-tested theory and rigorous practical application, this easy-to-read book describes the basic and enduring principles, practices, and recent advances in human resource management, organizational behavior, and organizational development.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Competency-Based Human Resource Management
This handy reference for students and professionals alike covers the analytical tools that underpin competency models companies use to understand and bridge the talent gap in pursuit of their goals.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Strategic Human Resource Development
This well-organized, compact book analyzes how business strategy and HR practices at India’s most valuable companies are transforming in response to globalization, liberalization and the age of digital technology.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

HRD in Competitive Business Environment – Realities, Challenges & Practices
This book examines how HRD strategy, systems and procedures come to be built, and looks beyond boardroom formulations to understand how these strategies, systems and procedures perform in practice to keep companies competitive in the race for customers and for talent.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Human Resource Management and Organization Development – Practitioner Readings
This useful handbook for professionals examines the emerging trends and latest developments in human resource management and organizational development, their interaction and effect on each other, in the context of rapid technological change, rising attrition rates, increasing employment costs, and the ITES boom.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

You Can Fail: Coping with Failure and Getting Ahead
Failure is just a bend in the road, not the end of the journey. This useful book helps readers develop a clear self-image free of misconceptions and biases, recognize 22 personality factors that lead to failure, and address the self-created pitfalls on the path to career success.
Author: Dr Srinivas Kandula

Quality Circles
This book offers perspectives on the Indian experience of the participatory management technique ‘Quality Circle’ at the height of its popularity in the 1980s, with an in-depth examination of two of India’s largest companies, BHEL and Bharat Electronics.
Author: Ed. Dr B L Maheshwari

Transformational Leadership
Verghese Kurien. A N Haksar. V Krishnamurthy. K K Nohria. Dhirubhai Ambani. Ratan Tata. Rahul Bajaj. Subroto Ganguly. Ramesh Gelli. These men transformed the companies they led and had a massive impact on the direction of Indian business. Their fascinating stories demonstrate how an individual with passion and vision becomes a transformational leader.
Author: Dr Mrityunjay Kumar Srivastava

Management by Objectives: Concepts, Methods and Experiences
Intended for experienced managers, this unique book combines MBO concepts, methods and insights with the experiences of many of India’s largest organizations.
Author: Dr B L Maheshwari

Decision Styles and Organisational Effectiveness
Focused on the decision-making styles practiced by management across levels, sectors and industries in India, this insightful book evaluates them using selected measures of organizational effectiveness to understand how managerial decision styles impact a company’s performance.
Author: Dr B L Maheshwari

Footprints: Learning in Quest
This slim volume collects twenty of the author’s most insightful articles spanning a lifetime of inquiry into the intricacies of organizations and how they work. Each piece is unique, informative and inspirational for a new generation of students, managers, leaders and practitioners of organizational development.
Author: Dr B L Maheshwari

Honk: Learn from Animal Kingdom and Inspire
An unconventional, creative look at the animal world and what it can teach us about the behavioral and structural intricacies of management and leadership.
Author: Moid Siddiqui

Managerial Performance Appraisal in India
Based on a survey of the managerial appraisal practices of 60 of large and medium-sized public and private sector Indian businesses, this book provides a critical evaluation of how well these approaches work and offers detailed guidelines to build more effective appraisal systems.
Author: Mihir K Basu